Monday, September 20, 2010


Collection of Tutorials
This tutorial provides an introduction to the AI node and more specifically manipulating the AI to follow a certain path. It is a fairy simple and easy to follow tutorial, however in exaggerating certain aspects of the flowgraph for example adding numerous AI characters to the same AI Path would create a more dynamic opportunity. I thought that the AIPath would be more suitable to use rather than sending the character to a point as you can effectively control their movements, and create a more dynamic path for them to follow. Moreover, it is possible to intersect more than one path creating a more extensive understanding of the way AI characters interact with each other and the surrounding environment.
This tutorial is a basic tutorial that looks at how to create a flowgraph. While this isn't that useful, it demonstrates how to employ the use of a proximity trigger that would effectively allow me to set up an area that would change when an event occurs, for example when an AI character enters the area a light would turn on.

This forum topic explores the idea of changing the time of day through the Time node. It provides a list of inputs and outputs for the TimeOfDay node, and for each a basic explanation of what each input/output entails.

This topic provides a basic introduction to the Time and TimeOfDay node.


This forum topic explores how an AI character and a proximity trigger relate to each other. It explains how an AI Character enters a proximity tigger area and then is called to complete an action.

This tutorial explains how to make an AI Character move to a tag point. This is useful for controlling you AI's movement in a straight line, rather than using AI Paths.

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